
Westlife初在台灣發張專輯時 我正處於水深火熱的高三生活中
不管走到哪邊都是Seasons In The Sun的旋律
還是利用週休二日回家的時候 去唱片行買了他們的專輯
聽完整張專輯 這一首歌卻讓我留下深刻的印象
如果將這首歌歸類到情歌內 或許有些狹隘
跳脫狹小的愛情眼界 這首歌或許用來形容友情更加恰當些
亦或 更寬闊的用來形容這世間的所有情感 會更加貼切吧!

 ...You'll find it in the deepest friendship
 The kind you cherish all your life
 And when you know how much that means
 You've found that special thing
 You're flying without wings...

沒有雙翼要展翅高飛 因為深厚的友誼讓所有的不可能化為可能
在歌詞中 也鼓勵我們為夢想而奮鬥
如果不努力 失去的不只是夢想而已...
 ...You've got to fight for every dream
 'Cause who's to know which one you let go
 Would have made you complete...
我們 要尋找的夢想會出現在任何地方
因此 不能因為 這裡不可能 這地方找不到 這環境不適合
放棄了尋找 更不能因為幾次的失敗而放棄尋找的勇氣
記得 曾在Filipe的blog留過一段話

  也許   會失去追逐的勇氣



  別忘了    你努力的背後

  just do it.

當我留完這段話 我才發現自己因為無謂的理由放棄夢想 也放棄自己
而今 我繼續朝我的夢想出發
不知道能不能實現 至少 現階段我是快樂的
也許 還有些害怕 還有些猶豫 但我不是原地徘徊
Keep fighting for my dream, for my family... and for myself.

This song especially for my friend Filipe Tou.

Keep faith. 

Realize it. 


Fly without wings   Westlife

Everybody's looking for that something
One thing that makes it all complete
You find it in the strangest places
Places you never knew it could be

Some find it in the face of their children
Some find it in their lover's eyes
Who can deny the joy it brings
When you've found that special thing
You're flying without wings

Some find it sharing every morning
Some in the solitary night
You'll find it the words of others
A simple line can make you laugh or cry

You'll find it in the deepest friendship
The kind you cherish all your life
And when you know how much that means
You've found that special thing
You're flying without wings

So, impossible as they may seem
You've got to fight for every dream
'Cause who's to know which one you let go
Would have made you complete

Well for me, it's waking up beside you
To watch the sunrise on your face
To know that I can say I love you
In any given time or place

It's little things that only I know
Those are the things that make you mine
And it's like flying without wings
'Cause you're my special thing
I'm flying without wings

And you're the place my life begins
And you'll be where it ends
I'm flying without wings
And that's the joy you bring
I'm flying without wings


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